Los Angeles in May

Hello there, fellow adventurers! It’s your favorite travel companion, Dorothy Rich, back with another exciting journey. Don’t be fooled by the Hollywood glitz and glamour, Los Angeles has much more to offer. Today, we’ll venture off the beaten path to uncover the lesser-known treasures of this sprawling metropolis.

The Last Bookstore

Let’s start our journey in downtown LA, where we’ll stumble upon The Last Bookstore, California’s largest used and new book and record store. Don’t let the name mislead you; this place is far from being ‘last.’ Its labyrinth-like setup, quirky art installations, and hidden sections make it an absolute delight for bookworms and art enthusiasts alike.

The Museum of Jurassic Technology

Next, we head over to Culver City to visit an oddity – The Museum of Jurassic Technology. This place is a mix of factual, fantastical, and downright perplexing exhibits. It’s a quirky, unconventional museum experience that will leave you scratching your head in wonder and curiosity.

The Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine

Let’s take a breather at the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine in Pacific Palisades. This spiritual sanctuary offers serene gardens, a gorgeous lake, and even a shrine where some of Gandhi’s ashes are housed. This peaceful oasis is a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of LA, offering a tranquil space for meditation and reflection.

The Great Wall of Los Angeles

Did you know that Los Angeles is home to the longest mural in the world? The Great Wall of Los Angeles, located in the Tujunga Flood Control Channel in the San Fernando Valley, is half a mile long. It depicts California’s history from prehistoric times to the 1950s, painted by over 400 youths and their artist mentors. A visit here is like a walk through history, albeit in vibrant colors.

The Underground Tunnels of Los Angeles

Lastly, we’ll visit one of LA’s best-kept secrets – its network of underground tunnels. These tunnels were used for various purposes, from transporting bootlegged alcohol during Prohibition to providing safe passage for high-profile court defendants. Although most are closed off, you can still access parts of the 11-mile tunnel system.

Los Angeles is not just about Hollywood, iconic beaches, or amusement parks. It’s also about these hidden places, where you can immerse yourself in the city’s rich history, eccentricities, and diverse culture. So, fellow adventurers, next time you find yourself in the City of Angels, why not step off the tourist path and discover its lesser-known treasures?

Remember, the world is waiting for us to explore it, one hidden gem at a time. As we often say, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” So here’s to enriching our lives with more adventure and discovery, wherever our journeys take us.

Until our next adventure, keep exploring!